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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

that is the basis of all life in the ocean

Every evening,
the disappearance of the sun

below the horizon triggers the largest

migration of life
that takes place on our planet

One thousand million tones
of sea creatures

ascend from the deep ocean to
search for food near the surface

They graze on the phytoplankton
under cover of darkness

Even so, they are far from safe

Other marine hunters follow them,

some travelling up
from hundreds of metres below

At dawn, the whole procession returns
to the safety of the dark depths

The moon too has a great
influence on life in the oceans

lts gravitational pull creates the daily
advance and retreat of the tides

But the moon has
more than a daily cycle

Each month it waxes and wanes
as it travels around the earth,

and this monthly cycle also
triggers events in the ocean

The Pacific Coast of Costa Rica
on a very special night

lt just after midnight
and the tide is coming in

The moon is in its last quarter,

exactly half way between full and new

For weeks the beach has been empty
But that is about to change

At high tide,
turtles start to emerge from the surf

At first they come in ones and twos,
but within a hour,

they are appearing all along the beach

They are all female Ridley turtles

and over the next six days or so

four hundred thousand
will visit this one beach

to lay their eggs in the sand

At the peak time, five thousand
are coming and going every hour

The top of the beach gets so crowded that

they have to clamber over one
another to find a bare patch

where they can dig a nest hole

A quarter of the world population

of Ridley turtles come to this one beach

on a few key nights each year

The rest of the time, they are widely
distributed through the ocean

searching for food, most
- a hundreds of miles away from here

This mass nesting is called an arribada

How it is co-ordinated is a mystery

- but we do know that's arribadas start

when the moon is either in its first
or its last quarter

Forty million eggs
are laid in just a few days

By synchronising their nesting in this way

the females ensure that six weeks later

their hatchlings
will emerge in such enormous...

numbers that predators on the beach

are overwhelmed
and a significant proportion

of the baby turtles will get past them
and make it to the water

But why do the females
use a cue from the moon

to help in synchronising their nesting?

Part of the answer to that becomes clear
at dawn on the following morning


procession [prəˈseʃn] n. 队伍,行列;一列,一排;列队行进 vt. 沿著……行进 vi. 列队行进 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :6035}

turtles ['tɜːtlz] n. 乌龟(turtle的复数) { :6490}

disappearance [ˌdɪsə'pɪərəns] n. 消失;不见 {cet6 :6530}

graze [greɪz] n. 放牧;轻擦 vi. 吃草;擦伤 vt. 放牧;擦伤 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7059}

waxes [wæksiz] n. 蜡状物;蜡类(wax的复数) { :7228}

surf [sɜ:f] vi. 作冲浪运动 vt. 在…冲浪 n. 海浪,拍岸浪 n. (Surf)人名;(英)瑟夫 { :7750}

costa ['kɒstə] n. [解剖] 肋骨;叶脉;[昆] 前缘脉 n. (Costa)人名;(希、印尼、西、芬、罗、葡、加纳、德、意、英、法)科斯塔 { :8150}

gravitational [ˌgrævɪˈteɪʃənl] adj. [力] 重力的,[力] 引力的 {toefl gre :8363}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

ascend [əˈsend] vi. 上升;登高;追溯 vt. 攀登,上升 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :9518}

wanes [weɪnz] v. 衰落( wane的第三人称单数 ); (月)亏; 变小; 变暗淡 { :10009}

clamber [ˈklæmbə(r)] vt. 爬,攀登 vi. 攀登,爬上 n. 攀登,爬上 { :10105}

ridley ['ridli] n. 鳞龟属动物(产于墨西哥湾,等于Lepidochelys) n. (Ridley)人名;(英)里德利 { :12788}

rica ['ri:kə] [医][=reverse immune cytoadhesion]反向免疫细胞粘着 { :13129}

synchronising [ ] (synchronise 的现在分词) vi. (使)同时发生, (使)整步, (使)同步, (使)同速进行 vt. 使在时间上一致, 校准, 把钟表拨至相同的时间, 把...并列对照 { :21008}

phytoplankton [faɪtəʊ'plæŋktən] n. [植] 浮游植物(群落) { :21785}

hatchlings [ ] (hatchling 的复数) n.人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟 { :26157}

ocean [ˈəʊʃn] n. 海洋;大量;广阔 n. (Ocean)人名;(罗)奥切安 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :1842}

beach [bi:tʃ] n. 海滩;湖滨 vt. 将…拖上岸 vi. 搁浅;定居 n. (Beach)人名;(英)比奇 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :1900}

moon [mu:n] n. 月亮;月球;月光;卫星 vi. 闲荡;出神 vt. 虚度 n. (Moon)人名;(瑞典)莫恩;(柬)蒙;(英)穆恩;(缅)孟 {zk gk :2450}

arribada [ ] [网络] 抵达;阿里巴达现象

LTS [ ] abbr. lights (供食用的)家畜的肺脏; long-term store 长期存储

advance and retreat [ədˈvɑ:ns ænd riˈtri:t] un. 前后移步 [网络] 进退;进退法;进退并举

after midnight [ ] n. 后半夜 [网络] 午夜之后;午夜之后狂恋;午夜迷离

ascend from [ ] 从…升起

at dawn [ ] na. 天一亮 [网络] 在黎明;破晓时分;拂晓时

at high tide [ ] na. 处于高潮 [网络] 处于高潮中;顶点

bare patch [ ] un. 衬垫表面缺胶 [网络] 秃块

Costa Rica ['kɔstә'ri:kә] n. 【国】哥斯达黎加;哥斯达黎加共和国 [网络] 哥斯大黎加;哥斯达尼加;中美洲哥斯达黎加

dawn on [dɔ:n ɔn] (白昼)来临于(某处); 给(某处)以光明; 逐渐(被人)知晓; 明白

deep ocean [ ] un. 深海 [网络] 海底深处;海洋深处;深洋女郎

gravitational pull [ ] na. (星球等对另一物体的)引力作用 [网络] 地心引力;万有引力;重力牵引力

graze on [ɡreiz ɔn] [网络] 吃

high tide [hai taid] n. 满潮 [网络] 高潮;涨潮;高潮时间

in the ocean [ ] [网络] 在海洋里;生活在海洋;在大海中徜徉

nest in [ ] vt.在...处做窝,筑巢

on the beach [ ] na. 失业的;穷愁潦倒的;【航】担任陆上职务 [网络] 在沙滩上;在海滩上;海滨

the moon [ðə mu:n] [网络] 月亮;月球;月光

the ocean [ ] [网络] 海洋;大海;赞大海

the tide [ðə taid] [网络] 潮水;潮汐;潮来潮往

trigger event [ ] un. 触发事件 [网络] 触发器事件;触发条件;引发事件

trigger events [ ] [网络] 触发器事件;触发事件;触动事件

wax and wane [wæks ænd weɪn] na. (月)盈亏;盛衰 [网络] 团圆;盈亏圆缺;兴衰

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用